Why get involved in the next wave of SolChicks? Well, each wave comes with unique privileges. For example, 2nd Wave Minters (on 14th October) will own SolChick numbers 2500–5000. These are numbers that will never be available ever again! The owners of these numbers will be eligible for ~5% of game royalties and ~2% of staked $CHICKS (shared across all users) as a way to say thank you for their help in the creation of SolChicks. Not to mention there is also exclusive game loot, including a MYTHICAL weapon and loot box available for these SolChick owners.

These users will also have EXCLUSIVE access to the early breeding event which means you will be amongst the first owners of SolChicks to have a chance to breed your own SolChicks !(Remember that 2 SolChicks are required for breeding so you might want to be clever and mint more than one SolChick as a smart investment)
By getting involved in the mint, you will also gain access to SolChicks merchandise which will be of the highest quality and super awesome at that! Owners will gain EXCLUSIVE access to the Beta version of the game where they can enjoy how far we’ve come and help to foster future development. This means you will be paving the way for the next big NFT game!

You will also be invited to an EXCLUSIVE discord channel where the team will share early game updates for you to stay in the know whilst playing! By the way, I heard getting in early helps you to stay in the know about when the boss battles are coming, so you never miss the rare drops available with each boss battle victory, but keep this one quiet 😉
About SolChicks — the Leading NFT-fantasy PVP and P2E game on Solana
Collect, breed and battle your own unique SolChicks in the leading NFT-fantasy PvP and P2E game on the Solana blockchain.
This is not just another NFT collection. This is a revolutionary gaming ecosystem with over 50k+ Discord members, a 40+ doxxed person team across 13 countries, partnerships with blue-chip cryptocurrency companies like Chainlink, listings on all 5 Solana secondary exchanges, and detailed 3D gameplay.
Very limited sales launch on the 14th of October at 5pm UTC.